Unipolar transistors Littelfuse/IXYS Littelfuse and IXYS are brands with a strong position in the semiconductor market, which, by joining forces, offer a wide range of innovative power electronics solutions. IXYS, known for its efficient semiconductors, has been providing power components for industries, automotive, and renewable energy for years. Meanwhile, Littelfuse, by acquiring IXYS in 2018, strengthened its market position by enriching its portfolio with advanced IXYS technologies. Littelfuse and IXYS are brands with a strong position in the semiconductor market, which, by joining forces, offer a wide range of innovative power electronics solutions. IXYS, known for its efficient semiconductors, has been providing power components for industries, automotive, and renewable energy for years. Meanwhile, Littelfuse, by acquiring IXYS in 2018, strengthened its market position by enriching its portfolio with advanced IXYS technologies.
Currently, the products of both brands, combined under the Littelfuse banner, provide reliable solutions in the areas of energy efficiency and power control. These include a wide range of unipolar transistors, which are an essential component of modern electronic systems.
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